- 參與內地與香港老師交流及協作計劃「加強幼兒認識中華文化」,優化校本中華文化的課程,讓幼兒認識、欣賞和尊重國家及中華文化,並培養他們的國民身份認同。
- 2023/24 季節性流感疫苗學校外展計劃,為幼稚園及幼兒中心幼兒提供免費疫苗接種服務。
- 2023/24「賽馬會幼童健齒計劃」,為幼兒提供免費牙齒檢查服務。
- 2023/24「香港中文大學賽馬會瞳心童行計劃」,為幼稚園高班幼兒提供免費眼睛檢查服務。
- The “Quality English Language Education at Pre-primary Level Project” of Standing Committee on Language Education and Research is to optimize the school-based language course, enhance teachers’ teaching techniques, and lay a strong foundation on children's abilities on listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- “Develop children’s willingness to experience and explore” of Education Bureau Visiting Support Program, the program aims to improve teachers’ skills of designing curriculum and techniques, encourage children to use the five senses to explore and learn, induce children's curiosity, inquiry, active knowledge seeking and problem-solving skills, and cultivate values and attitudes of respecting and caring for nature.
- "Encourage Reading to Promote Children's Language Development" of The Education Bureau's school-based support programme, it plans appropriate teaching on reading strategies, optimizes the language learning environment, creates a reading atmosphere, and cultivates interest in language learning.
- Mainland-Hong Kong Teachers Exchange & Collaboration Programme – “Implementing Diversified Art Activities”, it aims to optimize the school-based arts and crafts curriculum, arouse children's willingness to experience and explore the joy of creation, inspire imagination and the ability of creative thinking.
- 2022/23「2019冠狀病毒疫苗接種計劃」,為幼兒提供免費疫苗接種服務。